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Aug 30, 2011,   04:10 pm

All Good Things Come to an End

Somewhere around the turn of the century, or about 11.5 years ago, a few sportbike riders met on Wednesday nights at a coffee shop in Woodland Hills. They went for rides around LA, visiting some of LA's most famous restaurants and landmarks, and riding down some of the most famous roads in the world. They told their friends, who told their friends, who told their friends. As word spread over the years it evolved into one of the most famous and prominent bike nights in the country - Hollywood Bikenight.

At its peak, Hollywood Bikenight attracted as many as 900 riders per week and had multiple venues; riders would meet at one location and enjoy a nice evening ride to the next.

A few years ago, organizer and promoter Jeremy Simmons relinquished the organizing duties to two local bike clubs as his time was occupied pursuing a professional road racing career. Earlier this year, those clubs decided to cancel Hollywood Bikenight.

As such, it is time for the Hollywood Bikenight forums, and eventually the website, to shut down.

At 12:01AM on September 12, 2011, the Hollywood Bikenight forums will become read-only. You will still be able to access the website and read the forums, but no new posts will be allowed. At a future date, likely near the end of this year, the website will go offline permanently.

To fill the gap, you are encouraged to join or the Hollywood Bikenight Facebook Group.

I thank all of you that attended and helped make bike night happen and be a weekly ritual for more than a decade. There are lots of other bike nights and places to ride and I will certainly be out there supporting.

I wish you all the best and I hope to see you all on one-wheel or two, on the streets or the track.

Jeremy Simmons

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